Sorry for so long without another update. I have been sick off and on, mostly do to the weather, and so has Kitty. Actually, she just got out of the hospital with a severe throat infection, and is taking antibiotics. So let me see, what has happened. We went out to a nice Mexican Restaurant one night, had the Assembly in Spanish, and it was nice, although I didn't understand that much of it, The people were very friendly though. Most Latin Americans are. I also went to my brother and sister in law's house in Luque, and had a nice time. Let me see, what else? We went to see "The Avengers" in 3d, and it was really nice. Also, we had 3 black Fridays here, but we only went to 2 of them. I bought a new Monitor and a Nice electric oven. All we have here is gas otherwise. I am teaching history here to Kitty's class, and doing language practice, and I like it alot. Also, I am teaching English to my first student now, twice a week, and It is great! I feel like I am doing something really nice. And he lives next-store. The family doesn't pay the best, but Some of the students I get will be able to pay alot more. I have been trying to get more time in field service, and sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. I am sick alot unfortunately, due to all the dust in the air and on the street, and me being allergic to dust mites. But I got twelve hours last month, so i guess that is pretty good. I am finally starting to fit in here I think. Learning more Spanish, and feeling less like a Gringo. Maybe I will make it here after all :)
Kittie's happy teacher's day |
Me painting the front gate |
Congregation get-together |
Me on the bus |
Theres a door in the floor... Wonder where it goes? |
A guy selling Chipa bread |
The assembly |
A bird. You find them walking around the sidewalk all the time, not even scared of people. It's freaky... |
Literature stand |
Me helping her students with reading and whatnot |
Kitty giving a talk |
Me with a silly look on my face |