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Thursday, October 13, 2011

So this is my first post. What should I say? Always have had trouble putting what i wanna say into words. So many feelings right now. Excitement, trepidation, worry, hope. I'm about to take one of the biggest steps I've ever taken. Leaving everything behind. But that doesn't mean I will never look back. I've had a pretty good life so far. Sure, I've had my fair share of problems, but who hasn't? The most important thing is that I've had a loving family, and people who care about me, which is more then some people can say. And I will NEVER forget those people. And I will come back to visit, as much as I can. Almost a week and a half.... that's all.. Seems so short of a time. But I have been waiting over a year for this. I remember it was about this time last year that i first decided to come to Paraguay. But that was just for a visit. This is hopefully much more permanent. This wasn't the original plan, but thanks to our government not giving my girlfriend a visa to come here, this is what has to happen. If you would have told me before, before I met her and she stole my heart, I would have never imagined taking this step. But it happened, and here I am. Got all my papers ready, ticket purchased, and just need to finish packing and saying goodbye... This isn't the end for me, but a new beginning.... Sure hope it works out....

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