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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My first foray into teaching....

So yesterday morning Kitty made a GIANT empanada, and it was delicious! Then I Took a Paraguayan bus for the first time. It was interesting. Better quality buses then i thought... Then I went to school with Kitty, and helped her to teach spelling and grammar to the kids so they can practice for a spelling bee. It was nice :)

They're SO adorable... Even though they act like monsters...
THIS child is nothing but trouble.... He's in the corner being disciplined....

Close up of what terrare looks like. I LOVE this stuff!

A really pretty girl i was practicing English conversation with

Me teaching :)


The High School that Kitty teaches at
It felt like I was really doing something worthwhile. It's a great feeling. Maybe i can't change the world, but even if I can make it better for just a few kids, its a worthwhile endeavor.  After we got done there, we took the bus and ate at a Lebanese restaurant. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOO good. We ate something called "Shawarma". Here is the definition from wikipedia: Shawarma is a Middle Eastern sandwich-like wrap of shaved lamb, goat, chicken, turkey, beef, or a mixture thereof. The meat is placed on a spit, and may be grilled for as long as a day. Shawarma is a fast-food staple across the Middle East, Europe and the Caucasus.
Shawarma is eaten with pita breadlavashtabboulehfattoushtaboon bread, tomato and cucumber. Toppings include tahinihummus, pickled turnips and amba. Then we went to her college, which was a few blocks away. We met a few of her classmate friends, but when we found out they were having a lecture thing on Halloween, we just left and went home.
Beef and chicken on a vertical spit. Doesn't that look good?

Shawarma. It's like a thousand Whirling Dervishes dancing in your mouth :)


  1. So what do the kids call you? Steve? Senor Moriarty? Mr. Moriarty?

  2. Either "Teacher Steven" or "Uncle Steven"

  3. Thanks for the Blog, Steven. It lets all of us back home keep track of your activities. Keep serving Jehovah and make us proud!
