So on Friday, we went to see about a cellphone, but didn't decide on anything. Then we went to Burger King, (for nostalgic value :)And they use the good Paraguayan meat, not that Processed, Chemicalized American stuff. Then I went to work with Kitty, and I helped the kids practice their spelling bee. It was very nice. :) Then an american brother came over with his Paraguayan wife, and we had pizza, beer, and cake.(not a good combination) Then on Saturday, we were gonna buy the cell phone I picked out, but it rained for HOURS. Here people don't do anything when it rains. Even though it rained alot on Saturday, it was nothing compared to what happens sometimes. Sometimes It rains so much that the streets turn into rivers, and almost no one goes anywhere, and everything shuts down. Its like a snow day back in the states, where the roads are all covered with ice, and they close everything. Then on Sunday, after the two meetings, I met some of Kitties friends, a sister from Argentina, A sister from Spain, and a sister from in Paraguay. It's really wonderful to see that wherever you are from, being in Jehovah's organization is always a common denominator, and no matter where you go, or who you meet, its like a family reunion.
They have these things everywhere :) |
Mmmmmm, Don't it look good? :) |
Some sort of chicken things I didn't like, and an egg covered with manioc flour and fried, which I LOVE :) |
Pizzzzaaa! |
From left to right: Paraguayan sister, Spanish sister, me, Kitty, Argentinean sister. |
Paraguay truly is a green country. There are trees EVERYWHERE! Which is awesome, because there is always somewhere to go when the sun is hot...
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