Well first of all, sorry for this taking so long. We have been REALLY busy lately, and as anyone who is close to me knows, there has been some VERY diastressing situations going on back home. Really hope my depression does not get worse because of it.... Anyway, been struggling a bit, but I am doing my best. I am relying on someone far greater then any of us for help. I think you all know who that is.... Anyway, I finally had the wedding. I am finally a married man. It feels good, but is is a bit scary. I wasn't at all sure this would ever happen, wasn't sure I would ever meet the right woman, but I have, and she is pretty darn amazing. But I will have to say one thing though. Being married is NOT easy.... sometimes you just want to strangle one another :P But you have to do your best, and for me being a witness, it is all about keeping Jehovah in our marraige, keeping balanced in all things, and striving to look out for the other person's interests above our own. And if problems do happen, we are trying to figure out how we can prevent things next time. Instead of seeing a disagreement/argument as completely negative, we try to see how we can learn from it and do better next time. I know we both have alot of things to work on. For me it is my temper. Sometimes i just blow up for no reason it seems like. But I am doing my best, praying about it, which is helping alot.... As most of you probably know, most problems cannot be solved overnight, but it takes patience and diligence..... Anyway, on to the photos!

Kittie's Father leading her |
I was SO nervous... |
This is the book for the civil part of the marriage. The bride and the groom sign it, along with 3 witnesses on each side |
My nephew, Alan, handing us the ring boxes |
Kitty sliding the ring onto my finger |
The judge handing us the little marriage book. Kitty says it is called "the book of the family" |
Kitty, plotting...... |
The niece of on of Kitty's friends. She sang for us. And quite well, I might add! |
We had the wedding talk given in English and Spanish by two brothers. Both are elders. The one on the right is Thomas, a REALLY nice German brother, and a very good friend of ours. He is holding up the first ingredient to a good marraige, AMOR(LOVE) The one on the left is an American brother, his name is Jeremy. He is also a good friend, and also very nice |
Thomas handing me the rack with all the ingredients of a successful marraige. I told you the first one, the second is RESPETO(RESPECT), the third is GRATITUD(GRATITUDE), and the last is COMMUNICATION. |
Me saying my vows |
Kitty Saying her vows |
Us Dancing. Here at weddings, they dance a traditional type of dance called "The Waltz" |
Kitty got up and sang for me, One song in English, and one in Spanish |
Kitty and Her brother doing a mic check. |
What could possibly be better then one Mariachi? FIVE! |
The Mariachi's say goodbye.. | | |
With Kitty's mom and dad, my new step parents |
babe.., one song was in English "you are my love"
and the other one in Portuguese " trem azul"